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Covid-19 : 82 forms

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ACICOVID - Cardiac Arrest Incidence and Outcome Among Patients With COVID-19 in French ICUs

Head : CHELLY Jonathan

Version 1


Last update : 12/07/2020

ACICOVID - Cardiac Arrest Incidence and Outcome Among Patients With COVID-19 in French ICUs

Head : CHELLY Jonathan

Main objective

To report the incidence of Intensive Care Unit Cardiac Arrest (ICUCA) among patients hospitalized in French Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for COVID-19.
To report morbidity and mortality among COVID-19 patients admitted alive in ICU for an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) or an in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA).

Inclusion criteria

• Patients admitted in intensive care unit with a documented SARS-CoV-2
• For an out-of-hospital or an in-hospital cardiac arrest
• Or an in-hospital cardiac arrest
• Or presenting an unexpected in-intensive care unit cardiac arrest

Ré-Conf-ISS - Réunion Island, Lockdown, Social Inequalities in Health

Head : FIANU Adrian, CIC1410 / EQUITY (CERPOP)

Version 1


Last update : 11/02/2022

Ré-Conf-ISS - Réunion Island, Lockdown, Social Inequalities in Health

Head : FIANU Adrian, CIC1410 / EQUITY (CERPOP)

Main objective

Primary objective:

To describe, just after the lockdown implemented for tackling SARS-Cov-2 epidemic, the self-reported state of health of the Reunionese population according to the residential district deprivation level.

Secondary objectives:

- To describe, just after the lockdown event, the self-reported state of health of the Reunionese population according to the housing conditions experienced during the lockdown.

- To describe, just after the lockdown event, the self-reported state of health of the Reunionese population according to the individual socioeconomic characteristics: age class and gender, employment status and socioprofessional category, education level.

- To compare the self-reported general stress level between the regional studies conducted on Réunion island: during the lockdown event (Confin-Aou study) versus after the lockdown event (Ré-Conf-ISS study).

- To compare the psychologic impact of the lockdown event between France main land and Réunion island using the results from the Epidemic national survey and the Ré-Conf-ISS regional survey respectively.

Inclusion criteria

- Major (aged 18 years and older)
- Living on the island before 17 March 2020
- Stayed on the Réunion territory within all through the lockdown event (between March 17th and May 11th)
- Without curatorship

miniNO-COVID - Exploratory multicenter observational study to assess the outcome of infants with perinatal SARS-COV-2 infection and its link with the NO pathway: the minipuberty hypothesis

Head : STORME Laurent, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the CHU of Lille; FHU 1000 days for health
PREVOT Vincent, Laboratory of Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain; Lille Neuroscience & Cognition; FHU 1000 days for health

Version 1


Last update : 02/12/2021

miniNO-COVID - Exploratory multicenter observational study to assess the outcome of infants with perinatal SARS-COV-2 infection and its link with the NO pathway: the minipuberty hypothesis

Head : STORME Laurent, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the CHU of Lille; FHU 1000 days for health
PREVOT Vincent, Laboratory of Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain; Lille Neuroscience & Cognition; FHU 1000 days for health

Main objective

To compare the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) plasma concentrations measured at the postnatal age of 3 months between the three matched (on gestational age at birth, postnatal age and respiratory failure) newborn infants groups

Inclusion criteria

o Newborn infants (24 to 41 weeks gestational age) or young infants (< 3 months) admitted at the maternity ward or at the Department of Neonatology at Jeanne de Flandre Hospital, CHU of Lille with perinatal COVID-19 infection defined by:
o Antenatal COVID-19 infection: pregnant women with positive PCR test at any time of the pregnancy;
o Post-natal COVID-19 infection: newborn or young infants (< 3 months) with positive PCR test in pharynx or stools as part of their treatment.
o Newborn infants (24 to 41 weeks gestational age) or young infants (< 3 months) admitted at the maternity ward or at the Department of Neonatology at Jeanne de Flandre Hospital, CHU of Lille for severe cardiorespiratory diseases requiring inhaled NO treatment.
o The control group without perinatal COVID-19 infection will be matched to thevtreatment group on gestational age at birth (± 2 weeks of gestation), on postnatal age (± 3 weeks) and respiratory failure.
o No inclusion in another ante- or post-natal trial;
o Written consents from both parents;

SOPRAC - Primary care for COVID-19 in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes French region

Head : Letrilliart Laurent, HESPER

Version 1


Last update : 12/29/2020

SOPRAC - Primary care for COVID-19 in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes French region

Head : Letrilliart Laurent, HESPER

Main objective

To estimate and describe, during the epidemics, the temporal evolution of the following indicators in the patient list of the primary care facilities in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes French region: incidence of the clinically suspect COVID-19 cases, incidence of the biologically confirmed COVID-19 cases, clinical characteristics of these cases.

Inclusion criteria

- Patient M/F
- Suspect or confirmed COVID-19 case attending a general practice or a multiprofessional health home in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes French region


Head : Tzourio Christophe, Bordeaux Population Health UMRS 1219
Schück Stéphane

Version 1


Last update : 04/23/2021


Head : Tzourio Christophe, Bordeaux Population Health UMRS 1219
Schück Stéphane

Main objective

Describe the mental health impact of the lockdown and Covid-19 pandemic, along with its progression over time.
Secondary objectives:
- Identify profiles at risk of psychiatric disorders.
- Evaluate the standard of health literacy and ability to identify fake news.
- Study the portrayals and knowledge of vaccines.

Inclusion criteria

Adults (+18), locked down in France at the time of inclusion.

ONCOVID-19 - Prospective analysis of morbi-mortality of patients with cancers in active phase of treatment suspected or diagnosed of a SARS-CoV-2 infection

Head : ASSAAD Souad

Version 1


Last update : 12/09/2020

ONCOVID-19 - Prospective analysis of morbi-mortality of patients with cancers in active phase of treatment suspected or diagnosed of a SARS-CoV-2 infection

Head : ASSAAD Souad

Main objective

The primary objective is to describe the mortality of cancer patients under active anticancer treatment who underwent diagnostic procedures (positive or negative) for a suspicion of COVID-19.

The primary endpoint will be the mortality rate, defined as the proportion of patients who are dead 28 days after the date of the diagnostic procedure for the 2 cohorts of patients (positive and negative).

Inclusion criteria

- Confirmed diagnosis of any type of solid or hematologic tumor;
- Ongoing anticancer treatment (cytotoxic, targeted therapy, immunotherapy or loco regional procedure, including radiotherapy, surgery or interventional radiology procedure) at the time of inclusion or within the last 3 months prior to inclusion (last treatment administration or last loco regional procedure) ;
- Patient with suspicion of COVID-19 (clinical symptoms of COVID-19 including fever (>38°C) and/or respiratory tract symptoms), either confirmed or not.
Note 1: Patients must have underwent diagnostic procedures: diagnostic test (positive or negative) and/or chest imaging.
Note 2: Patients will be eligible regardless of the presence of a neutropenia (either febrile or not)
- Patient and/or family did not decline data collection after complete information (information sheet)

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